Join the Artist Lounge

Get all the latest news and updates.

This is a safe and friendly free space where you can post your work, see works by other students, and also get the latest news, updates, and gift pages from your instructor.

Join our Discord server

Make friends, get feedback, get inspired.

This is a well-organized free space that allows students to share their work, get feedback from other members, chat about art supplies, crafts and hobbies, and also connect with members and instructors privately.

Join The Coloring Community

If you are already enrolled in any of our coloring courses, you are automatically added to this private student space where you can meet your peers and share your work in progress, as well as discuss homework assignments. You must be an enrolled student to access this community.

Join The Drawing Community

This is a private space for all students who are enrolled in any of our drawing courses. It is a safe and private environment to share work in progress, discuss course content, and meet like-minded creators. You must be an enrolled student to access this community.