Two lightly sepia toned "grey-scale" illustrations that can be printed in color or just grey.
An amazing level of detail that makes it easy and enjoyable to color.
Perfect for beginner and advanced colorist alike.
Unveil Graveyard Fairies: Your Coloring Adventure
I believe in a different kind of fairies. My fairies live among the tombstones and watch over our loved ones when we're not there.

What color is your fairy?
These pages are a playground for so many coloring effects. If you've gone through the Fantasy Glow Effects course, you can make the fairies glow. If you already mastered Gothic Coloring techniques, you can make them dark and morbid. If you dabble in Skin Tone Mastery, you can color them as highly realistic human characters. I'd love to see what you come with. Please remember to post your colorings in our community.
Your world of true magic awaits.
Your pages are just a click away.